Me and Erik

Me and Erik

Monday, August 1, 2011

My babies are here!!!

This post is long overdue! I know most of you know because you keep up on facebook but my babies are here. Cade Michael and Brinley Rae were born June 8, 2011. I was 38 weeks and went in for my scheduled C-section. Cade was 6lbs 15 oz and Brinley was 6lbs 4 oz. They were both healthy and perfect. It still amazes me that not only did God work out everything so perfectly during IVF but the other thing we prayed for was that I would go full term and that they would not have to go into the NICU and God answered that prayer too!
I can't tell you how exciting it was to see my babies for the first time. We had to be at the hospital at 6:00am. The night before I obviously couldn't sleep. I had the alarm set for 5:00 but ended giving up on sleep at 4:30am. Erik got up at 5:00 and seemed to take his time showering and getting ready while I was rushing around like I was 5 and it was Christmas morning. The anticipation was high. We got to the hospital, filled out a little bit of paperwork and waited in the small waiting room for the nurse to come get me. I tried to casually flip through the magazine trying to look calm. Finally the nurse came and got me and took me to a small room and asked me to change into a gown. She took blood and gave me an IV etc... Both Erik and I kept watching the clock. The closer it got to 8:00 the more nervous and giddy we became. Long story short, we went in at 8:00 and it went smoothly. I felt great, the spinal didn't hurt and I was completely relaxed. Cade was pulled out first and the doctor put him over the sheet for a second so I could see and I was in shock. Did he just come out of me?? Is that really MY son?? I couldn't say anything...then our little Brinley came out next and as they let me peek at her she started crying and then I started crying. I couldn't say anything except "That is so weird, this is so weird" over and over again. ha ha ha I was in disbelief. After 5 1/2 years of trying and praying, they were here!!
They are the most beautiful gift. They fill my heart with so much joy. I am so thankful for everyone who prayed. People I don't even know were praying. I am glad I have a God who answers prayer. As my dad reminds me, sometime He answers yes, sometimes no, and sometimes wait. He had me wait, but now I am so much more thankful. I now am more aware of even the small things that God does that I wouldn't have noticed before. Again, thanks to everyone who prayed. And again to my parents and my sister and Jason for always being there and giving above and beyond. I have the most giving and supportive family. I sometimes look at my kids and think they might not be here if it wasn't for my family. I owe them so much.
I'm a mom!!! :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Almost 30 Weeks!

Tomorrow I will be 30 weeks and I can't be more excited. It's crazy how close it seems to be getting. I just started my 6th week on bedrest and though I definitely have my meltdown days, it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be.
I've been seeing my OB every 2 weeks and still having my ultrasounds once a month to check the growth of the babies. I have my next ultrasound on Monday. Last month they were 2lbs 4 oz and 2lbs 1 oz. The last couple OB appointments they did a swab test that can tell if your at risk to go into labor in the next 2 weeks since I'm at risk for it. I just had it done again yesterday and it was negative again which means I have a 98%-99% chance of NOT going into labor in the next 2 weeks. So that is good and an answer to prayer. We (me and my doctors) have decided to just do a C-section. The boy is butt down right now anyway so I would have to have one unless he turns. On top of that, just having a shorter cervix it could stretch it out too much and just because one is head down doesn't mean the other will be and it could just cause complications. So that being said we will schedule our C-section around 37 weeks or so unless I go into labor before that. So either way I will be a mom of 2 children in a about 7 weeks. So weird!
As far as the gestational diabetes goes, it's been fine. My levels are normal and the diet really hasn't been too hard. It's more of eating 6 small meals a day. There are times I am so hungry and can gorge all day but can't.
I had my baby shower about 6 weeks ago now and it was perfect! My mom and sister put SO much time into it. They really put alot into it and I felt almost undeserving. Alot of people showed up including old high school friends. I felt very humbled to see all the support I had.
We were so blessed by our families to get all the "big" things we needed for the twins. We got both cribs and changing tables, bedding, car seats, double stroller that both car seats go into, 2 pack n' plays, 2 bouncers, and a glider. We have such a giving family and we couldn't be more thankful!
We really have been so blessed with great family and friends. Many of my friends come over to keep me company, although I feel bad because we really can't do anything. :)
Please pray that everything continues to go well and the babies stay healthy and growing. Pray that they are born full term and that they don't have to spend time in the NICU. I again appreciate all your prayers and support. I love that I don't feel alone on this journey and I'm so excited we are almost there.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Quite the week

I know it's been a really long time since I last posted so I thought now would be a good time to update. Up till now everything has been going pretty good. I've been feeling good and the babies are doing great.
I am now seeing my OB every 2 weeks and having ultrasounds once a month. I love having ultrasounds. I love seeing my babies moving and healthy. They are looking really good. My last ultrasound the boy was 1lb 4oz, and the girl was 1lb 1oz. Their heartbeats are strong and they are moving like crazy.
Now to the last few days. My last ultrasound also showed my cervix is shortening. This just puts me at higher risk for premature labor. Because of this, they have decided to put me on bed rest. Luckily though, they said I can still get up to go to the kitchen to make myself food, shower, and use the restroom, other then that I am to keep my feet up. I am not allowed to do anything physical, no household chores, no lifting, no grocery shopping..etc. I know this will get old and having to depend on Erik and others to help definitely is hard but at least it's not strict, flat on my back. I am thankful for that. I am almost 25 weeks along and they want me to be on bed rest till 32 weeks. After 32 weeks they don't really care if I go into labor, although I am still hoping to go to 36 weeks.
Then I got a call this morning. I do have gestational diabetes. I will have an appointment made with the diabetes education center. I was really stressed out because all of this has been in the last few days. I know if I just control my eating everything will be fine but I still feel stressed.
Please pray that everything goes well and that I will be relaxed. God is good and I know I am blessed that I really have had a good pregnancy so far. I really am thankful.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

15 1/2 Weeks

I am officially in my 2nd trimester and am feeling good! I have been so lucky in this whole process and pregnancy. Obviously, for the most part my IVF went smoothly and now, so far, pregnancy has been great. I haven't been sick at all. I get a little tired but what's new, I've always been tired. ha I have felt God with me this entire journey He has blessed me so much so far. Every prayer I pray, no matter how small, He answers.
I had an ultrasound at 13 1/2 weeks because of a little spotting. It was the first ultrasound that that I've seen them look like actual babies. I admit, I cried. Just seeing them moving around, putting their little hands up to their faces, kicking, and knowing that those were my kids. I am their mom. Still makes me a little teary thinking about it. It's been such a long road and just to see them erases all the hurt. I still pray each day and thank God for them as I will continue to do after they are here.
I had my 4 month check up today (2 days early) and everything looked good. The heartbeats were in the 150's and 130's. I am up 5lbs since my first appointment at 9 weeks. Yes people it's true I am gaining weight! ha
We have an ultrasound scheduled January 24th. I will be over 18 weeks and so hopefully that will be the day we find out what we are having. I can't wait and I know my family can't wait either. I'm not sure my sister Tara will be able to handle the anticipation that day, she can barely take it now. :)
Please remember to keep us in your prayers. I still get anxious from time to time. Please pray specifically that I can carry them past 36 weeks and that they are big enough to go home at the normal time. That is my specific prayer each night and I ask that it be your's. I would really appreciate it.